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About Coaching

What Can Coaching Do for You?

We often think of a coach for athletics or fitness. Working with a professional certified coach can help you to maximize your personal and professional potential. Professional coaching is similar to athletics coaching in that a professional coach is also in your corner, supporting you, encouraging you, and helping you to see your full potential. It is more about bringing out everyone's best in an everybody wins mindset.

​Let's work together to find your possibilities. 


Insightful Coaching | Purpose-Driven


 My personal mission is to partner with you to maximize your personal and professional potential.

We do this through a creative and thought-provoking process.  If you are stuck in your current situation or mindset, let's connect to work together to move you forward into action.

My Values







Values drive and help me focus on what's important.


Do you know your top values? 

Are you living your values?

Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete; it's a sense of harmony. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work.
--Joshua Osenga



I just wanted to drop a quick note of appreciation and gratitude to you!  I recently transitioned to a new Account Executive role and I wouldn’t have made it here without your coaching! I took to heart all your advice/ interview tips & I was able to secure 3X my previous compensation. Thank you again for holding me accountable, and inspiring me to dig deep and break out of my comfort zone."
--Mid-Career Professional
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